Auto/Car Definition

An automobile or motor car is a wheeled motor vehicle for transporting passengers and also carries its own motor or engine. The usual definition of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating capacity for one to eight people, typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. However, the term automobile is far from precise, because there are many types of vehicles can do similar tasks. As of 2002, there were estimated 590 million passenger cars worldwide (one car per eleven people)...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Auto Parts and its Function

Many People don't know auto parts and their main function. In this article this will gives an illustrative idea about the parts and components that make a car move.

A simple car has as many as 3000 different components, each of which designed separately to work in perfect coherence with each other. Complicated? Yet an interesting facts!

Let us peek into the ‘black box’ and study a slight more than we already know about vehicle. A vehicle can broadly be seen as comprising of four main sections-

* The engine
* Vehicle Frame
* Covering body (including interiors in case of four wheelers)
* Suspension, brakes & wheels

These sections are further made of millions of small and big components. Thanks to the fact, the auto parts and components industry is a big industry in itself, and is considered separate from Automobiles industry in economic studies and various other practical purposes.

Here are the general parts of the auto:

Engine System
Power Train
Braking System
Steering, Suspension and Tires
Electrical System
Exhaust System
and Other Car Parts

You can read more at Understanding Auto Parts

1 comment:

Sachin Kumar said...

Great information on axle parts and automotive spare parts.I have read the similar information on axle Parts, Forged hub and cart trailer axle Etc.

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